Where is the Internet?
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Where is the Internet?

You probably use the Internet every day. But does the Internet physically exist? In reality, every e-service and every bit of information in it has to be physically located somewhere. As a rule, servers and connected IT devices are what accept, process, store, and provide information. These devices are, in turn, located in data centers.

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Case study: How are the IT systems of Eesti Energia maintained?
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Case study: How are the IT systems of Eesti Energia maintained?

Whether lights in our rooms stay on and the electricity we use is conveniently accessible no longer depends solely on the reliability of stations. The role of the IT infrastructure is equally important, as it runs systems that help to secure the generation and distribution of power and ensure the reliability of the services provided to business and private customers by the largest energy group in Estonia.

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There is no artificial intelligence without a data center
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There is no artificial intelligence without a data center

By now, artificial intelligence (AI) based on machine learning has become available to everyone, and it became a particularly hot topic with the spread of ChatGPT. However, we have been using AI-based solutions for some time. Many companies use chatbots to automate customer service, and machine learning methods can also be blamed for the selection of advertisements displayed to users online. However, despite the existence of all these and dozens of other applications, very little attention has been paid to how an AI is actually set up.

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Our modern way of life relies on data center cybersecurity, with human errors remaining the biggest threat 
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Our modern way of life relies on data center cybersecurity, with human errors remaining the biggest threat 

Everything on the internet must physically reside somewhere, and data centers as critical infrastructure provide a secure and controlled environment for housing and managing vast amounts of sensitive and valuable information. While data centers as infrastructure service providers themselves do not directly protect the data of clients, as they lack the authority to interfere in the exchange of bits and bytes over the internet, they are responsible for safeguarding their own operations – that is mission-critical for their clients. The infrastructure, IT systems, and employees of data centers are often targets of cyber attacks, presenting a potential threat to our modern way of life.

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The European Commission imposes new reporting obligations on organisations with server rooms
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The European Commission imposes new reporting obligations on organisations with server rooms

The increasing number and volume of data centers is leading to an increase in energy consumption and their efficiency is becoming increasingly important. Initiatives of the European Union (EU) such as the European Green Deal and the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) therefore also set targets and measures to improve the energy efficiency of data centers. Ultimately, this will affect owners of larger server rooms as well as users of data centers.

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Experts have decided: this is the best security solution in Estonia
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Experts have decided: this is the best security solution in Estonia

Every year, the top security solutions in Estonia are recognised. The Estonian Security Association (ETEL) has spearheaded this essential mission since 2001, and a competition was organised this year as well to select the companies with the highest achievements. The security system of the data center of Greenergy Data Centers was deemed the best!

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Five myths about data centers! Is cloud storage really replacing data centers?
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Five myths about data centers! Is cloud storage really replacing data centers?

In summary, even if there is some truth to the myths surrounding data centers, the stories have been mostly ‘lost in translation’. Cloud storage will not lead to the extinction of data centers; the energy-efficient storage of data in data centers will not cause an energy crisis; a data center can be used even when only a few device cabinets are needed; and certainly not everyone can set up a proper, reliable, and secure data center.

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‘There are many outdated server rooms in Estonia.’ How to get in shape for a hot summer?
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‘There are many outdated server rooms in Estonia.’ How to get in shape for a hot summer?

Last July, the more than 40-degree heat knocked out the data centers of Google in London – cooling systems proved inadequate, with the outage also affecting websites hosted by WordPress across Europe. If even data centers specifically designed to house servers cannot withstand heat waves, you can only imagine what this means for those that store servers on their own premises, for example, in office buildings with no suitable conditions.

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