Success story – why is a major bank protecting a new server center from EMP weapons?
Uko Urb Uko Urb

Success story – why is a major bank protecting a new server center from EMP weapons?

We spoke to Andrus Tamm, Head of Product Development and Technology at SEB, one of the largest banks in Scandinavia and the Baltics, about how the bank plans and builds its IT infrastructure, why it needs to protect itself against electromagnetic pulse weapons, how the server fleet has been halved, how to move equipment without disruption to services, and the wider IT world.

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With the help of Greenergy Data Centers, SEB increased the accessibility and reliability of digital banking services
Uko Urb Uko Urb

With the help of Greenergy Data Centers, SEB increased the accessibility and reliability of digital banking services

SEB made an important change in their IT infrastructure and is now using the biggest and most modern data center of the Baltics to provide clients a better service. The aim of this move was to modernise the IT architecture – the foundation – of the bank, which the bank systems accessible online and on the phone rely on. For clients, it means increased reliability.

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