Experts have decided: this is the best security solution in Estonia
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Experts have decided: this is the best security solution in Estonia

Every year, the top security solutions in Estonia are recognised. The Estonian Security Association (ETEL) has spearheaded this essential mission since 2001, and a competition was organised this year as well to select the companies with the highest achievements. The security system of the data center of Greenergy Data Centers was deemed the best!

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Test if your data is stored securely
Uko Urb Uko Urb

Test if your data is stored securely

Being engaged in any legal business comes with generating and consuming data. If you do not have access to data, your business will grind to a halt or be damaged significantly. Your information, orders, and money will simply not move. Thus, the more your activity relies on IT systems and data, the more critical it is to store them well.

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