Where is Europe's Largest Data Center?
Uko Urb Uko Urb

Where is Europe's Largest Data Center?

As of November 2022, there are over 1,200 data centers across Europe, covering a total area of 8.3 million square meters and a power capacity of 8,300 MW. The market is dominated by US companies, with Equinix operating 83 sites across Europe and Lumen Technologies having 56 facilities. Germany and the United Kingdom lead in terms of the number of data centers, each hosting well over 400. But where are the largest ones located?

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Where is the world’s largest data center?
Uko Urb Uko Urb

Where is the world’s largest data center?

Where is the world’s largest data center? The question sounds fairly easy, so you might think the only thing between you and the answer is a quick Google search. The reality, however, is far more complicated, as data centers tend to be quite secretive about their sizes.

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